Okay, I think I've changed my mind. Instead of rats I want to get a pug. Look at that face!
I have been hemming and hawing for years about getting a pet and I always end up deciding that I go away too much and I don't have a big enough place. But I am in Toronto way more often than not nowadays, and maybe my apartment would be the perfect size for a little lapdog? Also, my friend Shannon who lives down the hall said she'd be willing to help out.
If any of you have experience with pugs, I'd love to hear your thoughts (tips, suggestions, encouragement).
Today I had an audition for a Disney Cruise. It was much shorter and sweeter than my last cruise audition which was several years ago and included a really hard dance call (yikes!). I sang "Nobody Makes a Pass At Me" which has become one of my favourites because it's cute, funny, and fairly obscure. I was having trouble picking material for this audition because the requirements were so broad: "prepare one musical theatre song", but I always find it's best to default to comedy. Fingers crossed...
This Thursday I will be shooting an episode of "Urban Legends" for the A&E Biography channel. It's been a busy few months for commercials and t.v. gigs, for which I'm very grateful. This show will be the last thing I can shoot before flying to Prince George this Saturday to perform in A Christmas Carol with Theatre North West. Because I had to turn down a few theatre gigs due to HDYSAPLM I haven't had the pleasure of being in a musical since I did Emily with TIFT last year.
In other news, I'm hoping to crash the Mirvish Hallowe'en party this Thursday night, dressed in my very special Palinator costume. I'm trying to convince Mike to shave his beard into a goatee and be the Todd to my Sarah, but I don't think he digs the idea. It's almost like he doesn't want to spend the evening listening to me say inane things in an exaggerated Wasillan accent. Like, what is with that?
And finally, just for fun, here is a clip of Sir Ian McKellen on Extras, explaining the art of acting. Everyone needs to see this because of the brilliantnessitude of it.
Hallowe'en is traditionally such a chore. All that buying and eating of candy can be really stressful, so Nicole and I decided to make it fun this year by dressing up. It is a new idea that we invented.
Gavin Crawford's hilarious "Mark Jackson" character from This Hour Has 22 Minutes was interviewing a few of us former Maria contestants on the red carpet at the Sound of Music gala last week. You can check out the clip here.
Gavin was one of my favourite things about being on HDYSAPLM. He's very funny and talented and also a really nice guy.
I wasn't going to post this, but I think it's funny. So. This is the commercial I did on an overnight shoot that I was talking about a few posts back. They took a lot of embarrassing footage but ended up being relatively kind to me in the final edit. Take a look:
Also, check out the other commercial they shot that night. I think this one's even funnier:
Okay, so I'm having trouble putting up my latest video blog on Blogspot, but for some reason I was able to add it to my Facebook fan page. You can click here to check it out. And feel free to become my fan while you're at it. You won't really get anything out of it, but it will make me feel popular and that's pretty important.
Also, my friend Nicole just posted this photo of me on Facebook. To show her that I'm soooo confident in myself and sooooooo don't even care, I'm posting it here as well. So there. I don't even care. Shut up. I was in grade 9, what do you want from me?
Last night I attended the official opening of The Sound of Music and it was a fabulous show. Elicia sounded fantastic, and was a loveable and charming Maria. A couple reviewers have noted that this is the perfect show to see right now, when we're all so worried about the political and economic situation in our country. Somehow this musical set during the Anschluss provides some escapism. Of course, it's not the underlying WWII story that gets us; it's the music. And it's the fact that most of us grew up watching the movie every Christmas. Jian Ghomeshi likened it to, "hot chocolate in your favourite mug".
Oh, and the set piece that represents the "hills" that are "alive" is this huge, disc-shaped thing that floats around and tooootally looks like a spaceship. Awesome.
On the news last night they were interviewing Canadian voters to see if they were going to tune in to the Canadian party leaders' debate tonight, or the American Vice-Presidential debate. Sadly, yet not surprisingly, many people chose the latter. But can you blame them? The Americans make everything so sexy and so sensational and, while we condemn them for doing so, we cannot look away. My intention is to watch the Canadian debate, but I'm going to be doing some serious channel flipping to check out the trainwreck...I mean Sarah Palin. Come on, it's going to be hilarious. And thank God. If it wasn't so funny, all we'd be thinking about is how tragic it is.
Italian Lentil Soup (Zuppa di Lenticchie)
[image: Italian Lentil Soup (Zuppa di Lenticchie)]
If you’ve ever eaten at a classic Italian restaurant, you may have had the
delicious lentil soup known a...
Bilingual Chats: Kristen Eedy
For our second segment of bilingual chats, I had the chance to talk with
Kristen Eedy. Kristen is an anglophone living in Levis, raising two
bilingual (an...