Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dear Blog.

Dear Blog,

Sorry I've been neglecting you lately. The thing is, I've been having a really fun summer so I haven't been internetting as much as usual. What have I been doing? Oh, this and that. Like...


And that:

And playing this:

And hanging out with this one:

And looking for one of these:

And I just shot a commercial for Wiser's which will be a lot like this:

Anyway, Blog, I'm sure you'll understand if I prioritize jumping in lakes and dining with friends for a bit. I predict I'll want to soak up this fine, albeit muggy, weather for the next little while and won't be visiting you again until the fall.

Do take care of yourself, and I look forward to our continued relationship in the coming months.

Yours Truly,

Alison Jutzi