This post could also be entitled, "Conversations between actors that seem interesting when you're involved in them, but are definitely tedious and boring when you're not." Here are snippets of conversations I overheard at that commercial audition I had for that cleaning product on Friday. They are typical of the banter that occurs when two actor friends run into each other:
Have you been going out for a lot of film and t.v.?
No, just commercials lately. It's so hard to get your foot in the door.
I knowwww. I didn't go to one audition all summer. ALL summer. And I haven't booked anything in a year.
Oh, that's too bad. I've had a really hard time being seen too. This week I shot my first commercial in a year.
That's great!
Yeah, it's good. But I wish I could just get my foot in the door for some film and t.v. auditions.
Tell me about it.
So I ran into *casting director* and she told me she was sorry for not calling me in. She remembers me because I send her postcards every few months. So when I saw her at *industry event* and she apologized for not bringing me in, I thought maybe she'd call me in for something soon, but she hasn't and that was two months ago, so.
Well, at least she knows who you are. You never know when the perfect role will come up.
That's true. I'm thinking of asking her if I can come in and observe a casting session. I know she has an assistant, but.
That's a good idea.
Did I hear you say you got married?
That's so exciting! When was the wedding?
Just this past July, it was really great. A lot of work though.
That's so nice. Yeah, it is a lot of work. When I got married, we booked the wedding on a Sunday night because we knew we'd be free on a Sunday night if either of us got a gig, and of course both of us were working when the wedding came, so we had to do the rehearsal in between a matinee and evening performance. It was so crazy. But you have to do it that way, because the alternative is to turn down work, y'know?
I haven't worked in three years, so it wasn't really an issue.
*awkward laughter*