Tuesday, January 27, 2009

CTV weather support group.

Yesterday I was at CTV shooting some funny spots, which are follow-ups to this one. The main guy in that commercial is Jay Newman, who is one of my brother's best friends. It's a pretty funny mock-intervention of a guy who insists on wearing shorts in the winter. Funnily enough, when I saw the spot I thought of Dave (my little bro) right away, because he is TOTALLY that guy! And when I mentioned that to Jay, he said that Dave had been his inspiration. Cute.

Jay was there again as we shot four spots that will start airing on Superbowl Sunday. The conceit of these new spots is that there are a number of us at a support group for people who have winter weather issues, much like the Shorts Guy from the first spot. I was originally going to be the person who fears falling icicles, but that is an actual, valid fear (especially this winter) so it was vetoed due to possible unfunniness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG - I love that commercial! And as soon as I saw it, I thought, man, Alison would be awesome for a commercial like that. and here you are.....